Monday, 29 October 2007

Generation of Jet Fighters

Russian Force | That such "generation" of fighters: "WHAT IS 'GENERATION' OF FIGHTERS After the Second world war the Soviet and American fighters on set of fighting and flight qualities began to share on 'generations'. Though this concept is applied basically concerning the Soviet and American combat material, the European machines(cars), basically, too can be entered in this system of coordinates. Fighters which concern to one generation, possess comparable fighting opportunities, by their development designers apply similar technical decisions and consequently it is frequent they are simply similar against each other. Naturally, input in build fighting machines(cars) of one generation occured(happened) approximately at a time though the USSR, as a rule, put them on arms with some backlog from Americans. MiG-15bis fighter (63 Kb) Fighter МиГ-15бис The first post-war generation of fighters has appeared in 50th years. It were subsonic jet planes without radars, with only one radiosights. The most known Soviet fighter of the first generation is МиГ-15 which became well-known during war in Korea where to it(him) resisted American F-86 «Сейбр». The first post-war generation was considered modern up to the middle of 60th years, but was applied in operations also in the beginning 70.MiG-15bis fighter (63 Kb)

MiG-21PFM fighter (188 Kb!)
Fighter МиГ-21ПФМ
Rather successful there was a fighter of second generation МиГ-21 which accepted active participation in operations in Vietnam and in the арабо-Israeli conflicts. The American analogue of same generation F-104 has received among the American, Canadian and German pilots sad nickname Widowmaker — « the maker of widows ». МиГ-21 rather successfully resisted in Vietnam and in the Near East to very powerful and effective American fighter F-4 Phantom which on the ТТХ came nearer to machines(cars) already the third generation. МиГ-21 it has appeared so successful, that till now tens these fighters remain on arms of some the countries. In India МиГ-21 have passed(have taken place) deep modernization and, having received a new, modern radar and the hi-tech Israeli equipment of radio-electronic struggle, quite successfully act in educational fights against more modern machines. Tens МиГ-21 still serve in the Syrian and Vietnamese Air Forces. In the Europe it is possible to carry the French fighters of series Mirage to the second generation III.

MiG-23 fighter (22 Kb)
Fighter МиГ-23
The basic Soviet fighter of the third generation became МиГ-23 with a wing changeable стреловидности. This plane without special success participated in military actions during the арабо-Israeli war of 1982, was applied to covering Soviet штурмовиков in Afghanistan. The European fighters of the third generation became French Mirage F1 (the ирано-Iraq war and Chad) and Swedish Viggen.

Serious technological break has been accomplished at transition from the third to the fourth generation to which in the USA concern F-15 and F-16, and in the USSR/Russia — Су-27 and МиГ-29. At a development cycle of machines(cars) of the fourth generation both Soviet, and the American Air Forces send(have passed) to a two-compound configuration, which includes formation of park by lungs (F-16 and МиГ-29) and heavy (F-15 and Су-27) fighters. Fighters of the fourth generation possess an opportunity of application of arms загоризонтной range (BVR-capabilities) and have qualitatively higher in comparison with planes of the third generation maneuverable qualities. Feature of some of fighters of the fourth generation (for example, Су-27) is realization at their designing the concept of longitudinal static instability (electronic stability) which too works in favour of sharp increase in maneuverable qualities. Designing of fighters of the fourth generation has begun to the USSR and the USA in the end

MiG-29 fighter (23 Kb)
Fighter МиГ-29
60th years, the first flights of prototypes — in the middle 70, acceptance on arms — in the end 70 in the USA and in 1982-1984 in the USSR. Fighters of the fourth generation of the American manufacture for the first time have been applied in fighting conditions by Israel. On June, 7th, 1981 F-16 the Israeli Air Forces under covering F-15 have destroyed as a result of sudden spot-check in air space of Iraq research nuclear center Осирак. Then they took part(participated) in the Lebanese war of 1982. These machines(cars) of later versions were applied in all subsequent confrontations, first of all in operation « the Storm in desert » and impacts across Iraq and Yugoslavia.

In connection with fast development of electronics at simultaneous preservation of successful platforms F-15, F-18, F-16 and Russian Су-27 and МиГ-29 in Russia it is accepted to allocate a special category of fighters of generation 4 +. Under the characteristics later are close to these modernized machines(cars) French Rafale and European Typhoon.

Models The basic qualities Participation in operations
The first generation МиГ-15, МиГ-17, F-86, Ouragan, Mistere Subsonic speed, absence of radars The Korean war (1950-1953), Suez crisis (1956)
The second generation МиГ-21, F-104, Mirage III, Draken Supersonic speed The Vietnamese war (1964-1973), six-day war (1967), the индо-Pakistan war (1971), war of the Doomsday (1973)
The third generation МиГ-23, F-4 Phantom, Mirage F1, Viggen Use of radars of the raised(increased) capacity(power), rocket with radar-tracking prompting average and big range The ¿Óá¡«-Iraq war (1980-1988)
The fourth generation Су-27, МиГ-29, F-16, F-15, Mirage 2000, Gripen Excellent(Different) maneuverable characteristics, greater(big) тяговооруженность Operations " the World to Galilee " (1982), " the Storm in desert " (1991), эфиопо-эритрейская war (1999-2000)
Generation 4 + Су-30МКИ, Су-35, МиГ-29СМТ, МиГ-35, Rafale, Typhoon, F-18E/F, F-16E/F Supermaneuverability, radars with the passive slot-hole or phased lattice, the lowered cost of operation, multifunctionality, a "glass" cabin Aggression against Yugoslavia (1999), the second Iraq war (2003)
The fifth generation F-22, F-35, T-50 Small заметность in various physical fields, a cruiser supersound, высокоинтегрированные control systems of plane and the weapon, a fighter-element of " system of systems ", a radar with an active lattice
Source: the Center of nuclear heating plant.

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