Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Development of MiG 17

In 1948 in OKB -155 of a.I.Mikoyana was developed the successful destroyer MiG-15, which was produced in large quantities (only in THE USSR at 9 plants). At the proposal I.V.Stalina during this period of work on the creation of the new types of destroyers were convoluted and all efforts were concentrated on further improvement MiG-15. For the purpose of an improvement in the technical flight characteristics in OKB -155 began the work on the equipment of aircraft with new wing with the increased sweepback. At that time to THE USSR several scientific orgnizatsiy conducted the studies of the properties of wing with the sweep angle of 45° according to quarter-chord line, whose application promised essential addition to the speed. Wing was tested in the wind tunnel OF TSAGI - CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF AEROHYDRODYNAMICS IM. N YE ZHUKOVSKIY, on the flying models and the experimental aircraft Of s.A.Lavochkina and M.R.Bisnovata. With the creation of the destroyer, which received designation I -330, it was decided to preserve fuselage MiG-15bis and mate to it new wing. For retaining the centering the wing was executed with the dual sweepback: from the root to the middle of spread of 45°, and it is further - 42° (along quarter-chord line). For an increase in the lift-drag ratio the endings are executed rounded. On the upper surface of consoles it is added on one boundary layer fence. Wing chord ratio is reduced and is improved its joining with the fuselage. The development of aircraft in two versions simultaneously was conducted: tactical fighter and interceptor, but priority returned to the first. The production of the first prototype OF SI was finished during July 1949. After a number of the modifications, which were being continued several months, aircraft of byd it is transmitted to the plant tests. On 14 January, 1950, test pilot OKB -155 Hero of the Soviet Union I.T.Ivashchenko for the first time raised him into the sky from the airfield OF LEAHS in Zhukovskiy. 1 fevral.z on SI at a height 10200 m was achieved the speed of sound. After loss Ivashchenko and the prototype OF SI in the catastrophe on 17 March the tests were continued By g.A.Serovym on the prototype SI -2. The flutter of the tail assembly and the reverse of ailerons were revealed during the tests at high speed. Tests were interrupted for conducting the modifications of construction. In 1951 in Gor'kiy at the plant of №2y were prepared 2 additional prototypes, on which were continued the plant tests. During April 1951 the prototype OF SI -02 was transmitted in the GK NII VVS - State Red Banner Scientific Testing Institute of the Air Force for conducting official tests. It was noted according to the results of tests, that the aircraft with the new wing possesses higher speed and skoropod"emnos'yu, best maneuverability at a high altitude. In this case the maneuverability at the low altitude and takeoff and landing characteristics somewhat deteriorated. After introduction in the construction of a number of modifications the aircraft was rekomendovan into the series production. Initially was assumed production at the plant of №292 in Saratov. But by the order MAP of №8shchy of 1 September, 1951, aircraft under the designation MiG-17 was neglected into the production at the plants of №2y (Gor'kiy), №y (Kuybyshev), №ey (Tbilisi), №yshche (Novosibirsk) and №y2' (Komsomol'sk-on- Amur). It is for the first time demonstrated to the public on 20 June, 1953, at the air display in Tushino. MiG-17 it is built according to the aerodynamic configuration of midwing monoplane. Construction is all-metal (in basic from duralumin D16- T, the separate knots made of steel E0KHGSA). Fuselage is cigar-shaped of round cross section of the type semi-monocoque. Wing is arrow-shaped (45° along quarter-chord line in the root 42° in the end). The high-lift device of wing consisted of the extension flaps and ailerons. The trim tab is established on the left aileron. For increasing the directional stability on the upper wing surface the boundary layer fences are established (3 on each console). In the tail section of ustanavleny speed brakes. Stabilizer had a sweepback of 45°, a keel - shchshch°yay '. Small false keel is established under the aft fuselage section for the best directional stability. Chassis is tripod with the nose steadfast. Power plant consisted of TRD - TURBOJET ENGINE VK -1 (VK -1A, VK -1F). Air duct of frontal with 2 channels, which envelope cab. The tail end of the fuselage was taken apart for the access to the engine with the maintenance on the earth. Airtight cockpit was equipped with the system of heating and with catapult armchair. For an increase in the flying range under the wing could be hung up by 2 PTB on 400 or 600 l. on the interceptors in the forward fuselage it was established RLS. The composition of armament changed depending on modification and were included guns N -37 (N -37D), NR -30, NR -23, rockets RS -1U (K -5), RES (K -13), S -21, free-falling bombs by caliber to 250 kg. MiG-17 entered into service it was regimental VVS, PVO - AIR DEFENSE and VMF, it were exploited in the aero clubs OF DOSAAF - ALL-UNION VOLUNTARY SOCIETY FOR ASSISTANCE TO THE ARMY, AIR FORCE, AND NAVY. The retraining of pilots, those previously flown on MiG-15, passed without the problems. Like predecessor, MiG-17 was characterized by simplicity of control and it was accessible to the pilots of average qualification. In the operation the aircraft appeared itself by very reliable and simple in the maintenance, and the reliability of its engine became simply legendary (VK -1 maintained the entry of birds and foreign objects). In the 50- years MiG-17 it was the basis of Soviet fighter aircraft. It participated in many large military maneuvers (in such cases with the application of nuclear weapons on The totskom range on 14 September, 1954), in the Hungarian and Czechoslovak events. Interceptors MiG-17P/PF repeatedly intercepted intruders and razvedivatel'nye sounding balloons. The first air victory on MiG-17 was gained on 29 July, 1953, when the pair of aircraft of 88 gviap VVS KTOF intercepted above the Ussuri molded edge and brought down the American intelligence officer Rb -50. since 1960 of shelf on MiG-17 they began to be transferred to the newly organized fighter-bomber aviation. Longer anything Soviet MiG-17 were exploited in Armavirskom VVAUL PVO - AIR DEFENSE - up to 1977. In the line units some aircraft served even prior to the beginning of the 80th it was annual. Some MiG-17 with the taken armament were transmitted to the training centers OF DOSAAF - ALL-UNION VOLUNTARY SOCIETY FOR ASSISTANCE TO THE ARMY, AIR FORCE, AND NAVY. Many aircraft at the end of the period of service were re-equipped into the radio-controlled targets. Series production continued up to 1958. In all at five plants are prepared 8085 aircraft MiG-17 all modifications. After appearance MiG-19 it were constructed only for the export. It were let out on license in China (1828 aircraft) and Poland (540). Production in Czechoslovakia was planned. It were supplied in the export into Albania, Algeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Hungary, Vietnam, Guinea, Guinea- Bisau, GDR, Egypt, Zambia, Zimbabwe, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Yemen, Kampuchea, China, PDRK - PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Congo, Cuba, Madagascar, Malagasy republic, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Mongolia, PDRY - PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF YEMEN, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Rumania, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, USA, Tanzania, Uganda, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Shri-Lanku, Yugoslavia. In the process of production constantly it were modernized: fuel system was finished, form and area of speed brakes changed, catapult armchair with the shutter and changed movable part of the lamp was established from the end of 1953, the content of equipment and armament changed. MiG-17 and J -5 (F -5) participated in the numerous local conflicts: Arabo-Isreali wars, in Vietnam, Afghanistan, to the West Sahara, Burkina- front, Iran- Iraqi, ugandiЯko- Tanzanian, Ethiopian- Somali wars, Civil Wars in South Yemen, Angola, Nigeria, Mozambique, etc. In some camps of the third peace MiG-17 it continues to remain in arsenal and now. At present MiG-17 it is the exhibit of museum VVS into Monino, MiG-17M - museum VVS of northern fleet. Several aircraft are used as the teaching aids in military and civil aviation VUZ - Institute of Higher Education.

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