Monday, 20 October 2008

米格-15 一诞生,就遇上了朝鲜战争。刚上朝鲜战场的米格-15 对美军的 F-80、F-84 等平直翼喷气战斗机占有很大的速度优势,对依然在服役的二战水平的螺旋桨战斗机更是可怕。1950 年 11 月 8 日,四架 F-80 和 7 架米格-15 打上了遭遇战,速度和火力占优的米格-15 干脆利落地抢占高度,然后一个殷麦曼倒转,从太阳的方向俯冲而下,打下了一架 F-80。这是历史上第一次喷气式战斗机之间的空战,以米格-15 完胜告终。一时间,美国空军被打得一筹莫展,一直到更先进的 F-86“佩刀”式战斗机加盟,才扭转颓局。F-86 和米格-15 的优劣是世界上争论了几十年的话题,一般认为 F-86 的水平机动性较好,米格-15 的垂直机动性较好;米格-15 的加速较快,但容易进入不稳定区;F-86 的速度较快,液压操纵也使飞机的实际机动性较好。米格-15 的另一个特点是其火力强大,其一门 37 炮加两门 23 炮的火力是 F-86 的六挺 12.7 毫米机枪所难以比拟的。吸取米格-9 的教训后,米格-15 的机炮安装在进气口下稍后的地方,容易整体装卸,便于维修,便于装弹,而且开炮时的炮口烟不会进入进气口。但米格-15 的 37 炮和 23 炮的弹道特性很不相同,23 炮的弹道平直,37 炮的弹道弯曲。瞄准同一点时,在一定的距离上,23 炮可以打高,而 37 炮会打低。有时目瞪口呆的美军飞行员会发现自己夹在打高的 23 炮弹和打低的 37 炮弹之间,这时只能祈祷上帝了,胡乱机动可能反而自找没趣。米格-15 的 37 炮只有 45 发炮弹,几个点射就打光了。为了扬长避短,米格-15 通常会抢占高空,然后高速俯冲攻击,然后迅速脱离;F-86 则力求躲过米格-15 的第一板斧,然后在中低空缠斗。但最后的交换比和飞行员的技能之差的关系远大于飞机性能之差。在优秀的飞行员手里,米格-15 和 F-86 可以打出一样的战绩来。有人把米格-15 的成就贬为多亏了英国的“尼恩”发动机。没有“尼恩”发动机就没有米格-15,这是事实。苏联的自主发动机技术或许最终会赶上“尼恩”,但会需要一段时 间。在4 0 年代末、50 年代初航空技术在激烈动荡中发展的时候,谁也说不上来没有“尼恩”的苏联航空技术会走向何方。然而,有了好的发动机不等于就有了一架好的战斗机,英国怎么 没有用“尼恩”研制出一架和米格-15 同样出色的战斗机呢
在朝鲜战争中一炮打响的米格-15 可能是苏联历史上最重要的战斗机了。尽管苏联战斗机在二战中取得了不俗的战绩,但在西方眼里,苏联依然只是一个二流国家,至少在先进的航空领域里无法和高 贵的西方相提并论。米格-15 在鸭绿江上空使美国空军在横扫欧洲后第一次遇到真正的挑战,使西方第一次认识到苏联作为一个超级大国的地位。从此,米格从二战前夕的一个小字辈一跃成为苏 联的战斗机之王,米格的名字和最先进的苏联战斗机连在了一起,直到 90 年代苏-27 异军突起。
二战中美英对德国的战略轰炸给苏联留下了深刻的印象,广岛和长崎的原子弹使国土防空具有了新的重要性,战后喷气式高速轰炸机的发展给苏联的国土防空增加了 新的压力。新组建的国土防空军优先装备米格-15,专门用来拦截高空入侵的轰炸机。但米格-15 的全天候作战能力不足,在夜间和恶劣天候条件下,难以靠目视发现目标,实现有效拦截。48 年夏,苏联空军就提出了在战斗机上安装雷达的要求,以帮助夜间和恶劣天气条件下发现目标。51 年时,国土防空军提出了更具体的双发双座配备雷达的全天候截击机的要求。双发可以提供更高的速度和更大的起飞重量(即更远的航程),双座可以提供一个专职 的雷达操作员。推力最大、性能最先进的克里莫夫 VK-1 发动机是自然的选择,但问题是 VK-1 的直径太大,双发并列的话,机身会异常宽大,翼下双发同样具有阻力大的问题。米高扬别出心裁地采用双发前后安置的方法,前发在机翼前,喷口在中机身下,像 米格-9 一样;后发在机翼后,喷口在机尾。为了提供最好的视界,米高扬把双座并列安置。新飞机称为伊-320

MiG 29 Fulcum
Fly with the legend fly Mig 29..through its history with this russian propaganda film.hope u enjoy it.The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: МиГ-29) (NATO reporting name "Fulcrum" is a fighter aircraft designed for the air superiority role in the Soviet Union. Developed in the 1970s by the Mikoyan design bureau, it entered service in 1983 and remains in use by the Russian Air Force as well as in many other nations.The history of the MiG-29, like that of the larger Sukhoi Su-27 'Flanker', started in 1969 when the Soviet Union learned of the U.S. Air Force's 'FX' program, which resulted in the F-15 Eagle. The Soviet leadership soon realized that the new American fighter would represent a serious technological advantage over all existing Soviet fighters. The MiG-21 'Fishbed' was agile by the standards of its day, but had deficiencies in range, armament, and growth potential. The MiG-23 'Flogger', developed to match the F-4 Phantom II, was fast and had more space for fuel and equipment, but lacked in maneuverability and dogfighting ability. What was needed was a better-balanced fighter with both good agility and sophisticated systems. In response, the Soviet General Staff issued a requirement for a Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel (PFI, roughly "Advanced Frontline Fighter", directly "Perspective Forward Fighter". Specifications were extremely ambitious, calling for long range, good short-field performance (including the ability to use austere runways), excellent agility, Mach 2+ speed, and heavy armament. The aerodynamic design for the new aircraft was largely carried out by TsAGI, the Russian aerodynamics institute, in collaboration with the Sukhoi design bureau.However, in 1971 the Soviets determined that the PFI aircraft would be too expensive to procure in the quantities needed, and divided the requirement into the TPFI (Tyazholyi Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel, "Heavy Advanced Tactical Fighter" and the LPFI (Legkiy Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel, "Lightweight Advanced Tactical Fighter" programs, the latter paralleling the contemporary USAF decision that led to the "Lightweight Fighter" program and the F-16 Fighting Falcon and YF-17 Cobra. The heavy fighter remained with Sukhoi, resulting in the Su-27 'Flanker', while the lightweight fighter went to Mikoyan. Detailed design work on the resultant Product 9, designated MiG-29A, began in 1974, with the first flight taking place on October 6, 1977.Because it was developed from the same basic parameters laid out by TsAGI for the original PFI, the MiG-29 is aerodynamically broadly similar to the Sukhoi Su-27, but with some notable differences. It is built largely out of aluminium with some composite materials. It has a mid-mounted swept wing with blended leading-edge root extensions (LERXs) swept at around 40°. There are swept tailplanes and two vertical fins, mounted on booms outboard of the engines. Automatic slats are mounted on the leading edges of the wings; they are four-segment on early models and five-segment on some later variants. On the trailing edge, there are maneuvering flaps and wingtip ailerons.

The MiG-29 has hydraulic controls and a SAU-451 three-axis autopilot but, unlike the Su-27, does not have a fly-by-wire control system. Nonetheless, it is very agile, with excellent instantaneous and sustained turn performance, high alpha capability, and a general resistance to spins. The airframe is stressed for 9-g (88 m/s²) maneuvers. The controls have "soft" limiters to prevent the pilot from exceeding the g and alpha limits, but these can be disabled manually. In joint USAF-Luftwaffe exercises, the downgraded MiG-29 9-12A that the Luftwaffe fielded defeated the F-16 Fighting Falcon in close-range combat almost every time using its highly practical infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor and helmet-mounted sight, together with the Vympel R-73 (NATO reporting name AA-11 'Archer') missile.The MiG-29 first saw action in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war, where unguided bombs and rockets were used to devastating effect. During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, a Soviet MiG-29 shot down an Afghan Su-20 Fitter which had defected.In the following decade, MiG-29s saw combat in the Gulf War at the hands of Iraqi pilots, who were then thought to be among the best in the region after a decade of war and simmering tensions with Iran. Its success in combat encounters is believed to be mixed, it is generally believed that external factors such as inadequate pilot training skills, air-defense infrastructure, and poor maintenance, rather than the quality of the aircraft, are primarily responsible for this lack of success.Indian MiG-29s saw action during the Kargil War in Kashmir. They provided fighter escort for Mirage 2000s dropping laser-guided bombs on enemy targets and played a major role in maintaining the air superiority.