Sunday, 9 November 2008

Modifications fighter MiG-15 (1)

Modifications fighter MiG-15 (1)

MiG-15 (JI) - aircraft equipped with sliding installation sight ASP-3N and a new peak with heavy armor. In 1950 passed state tests.

Telescopic sight plant were assessed as a result of violations of the flight navodki first sight.

MiG-15bis (SA-1, SA-2) - destroyer equipped with devices blind landing.

In order to allow flights day and night in simple and complicated meteorological conditions in 1950, two MiG-15bis were equipped with devices blind landing (OSP-48). Subsequently, were equipped with two more vehicles: SA-3 and SA-4. They differ mainly positioning devices in the cockpit. The complete set of equipment OSP-48 consisted of automatic radio ARK-5 "Cupid", the radio marker MRP-48 "Dyatel, radar altimeter low altitude RV-2" Crystal ".

The rear tank of paraffin was replaced by a new, consisting of two distinct halves, between which the power hatch on the lid have been installed units MRP-48 and ABC-5. Camera AFAI-M was removed, along with control panel and electric motor to open stvorok fotolyuchka.

The plane passed state tests, and installation of a blind landing was put into serial production. In addition, in order to expedite the testing of military installations blind landing system that was equipped with 16 aircraft MiG-15, who received military trials with a positive assessment.

To enhance the combat capabilities of aircraft MiG-15bis were working to equip its various outboard weapons.

(1) describe the modification of MiG-15 is not included in the book: Shavrov VB The history of aircraft structures in the Soviet Union 1938 - 1950 estimates. 3rd ed., Corrected. Moscow: Engineering, 1994.

MiG-15bis (SD-21) - airplane, equipped with air jet system AS-21.

In March - April 1952, was remodeled one. Each wing of the console, between the rack chassis and lock suspended the fuel tank was found on one rail on which to strengthen the starting devices PU-21, designed to fire rockets S-21 (ARS-212). Target sight AP-21 provides pritselnuyu firing rockets at a range of 400 to 800 meters and firing artillery weapons - from 180 to 800 m. The sight AP-21 was developed based on the series sight ASP-3NM, while pritselnuyu shooting PU-21 and artillery weapons did not afford (to aim it was necessary to establish a kind of shooting). With the suspension of fuel tanks, rockets could be at the starting devices are suspended, but before firing tanks must be dropped.

31 May, 1952 aircraft was brought to public trials, which passed with positive results. In the combatant forces converted 150 aircraft.

MiG-15bis (SD-5) - aircraft, equipped with two blocks with eight rounds ARS-57 each.

In July 1952, the working drawings were produced and shipped to the plant ╧ 21. Remodeled was one that has passed the test. Is also testing SD-5E aircraft, equipped with two blocks, but with twelve rounds ARS-57 each.

MiG-15bis (SD-10) - the plane with two bombs protivosamoletnymi PROSAB-100. Is for testing 29 February, 1952 a month to test the aircraft was handed over to SD-25 with two PROSAB-250.

MiG-15bis (Fig. 89) - aircraft equipped with systems "Grad". Protective system "Grad" was intended to raise air minefields in order to defeat compounds bombers or individual aircraft, as well as for violations of building bombers. It was developed in the OKB AS Yakovlev on the tactical and technical requirements of the Air Force ╧ 104, approved in 1952

A fighter MiG-15bis and equipped with a system of "Grad", instead of aerial fuel tanks for the wing suspended two containers with 56 mines each. Container shape and size are similar to the serial podvesnomu fuel Baku, and is divided into seven compartments. The bottom of the container closed two pairs managed stvorok. The forced expulsion of mines of the compartments has pneumatic pusher, which were equipped with all the compartments of the container.

MiG-15bis equipped zagraditelnoy system 'Castle'

Fig. 89. MiG-15bis equipped zagraditelnoy system "Grad"

After the end of 1952, the special flight tests in GK Research Institute of Air Force Two converted at the factory ╧ 1 MiG-15bis (╧ ╧ 135011 and 135039) were returned to EDO to address the identified deficiencies. Factory control tests took place from March 2 to 18 Apr., 1953 tests conducted leading pilot test F.L. Abramov.

Work on "Grad" were terminated in August 1953

MiG-15bis (SD-P) - aircraft, equipped with a braking parachute PT-2165-51 with 15 m2 area of the dome.

In 1951, to explore the possibility of using aircraft MiG-15bis from airfields with limited length of runway, drag chute PT-2165-51 and two versions of braking wheels were fitted with two aircraft available for that purpose military aircraft.

At the bottom of the fuselage between frames 24 and 27 was placed hatch, which placed a special container with a drag chute (TP), exhaust and parachute cord. Container closed doors. TP cable attached to the castle, established in the slot back heel aircraft. Opening locks stvorok during landing and lock anchorage tether TP produced using a pneumatic system. Installing the MC has reduced the mileage of the aircraft twice.

They were tested, and in 1952 the factory ╧ 1 was built small series (10 aircraft).

MiG-15bis (SP-2) (Fig. 90) - fighter-interceptor with a radar station (RLS) Korshun. "

In 1950, MiG-15 was modified by the installation of radar "Korshun" (used for the construction of a new head compartment). However, because of the delay fine-tuning the radar in the NII-17 fighter-interceptor SP-2 under the orders of MAP from 11 Aug., 1951 was converted under the wing angle strelovidnosti 45 ╟, becoming a MiG-17, which in the future and must be tested station Korshun ".

MiG-15bis (SJ) - with fighter wing design VP Yatsenko.

In order to eliminate "valezhki (spontaneous rolling off) aircraft at the factory ╧ 1 in 1952 have been developed, tested and put into production new wings increased rigidity of the VP Yatsenko. In March of that test in GK Research Institute of the Air Force new wing aircraft were equipped with three MiG-15bis.

MiG-15bis (Fig. 91) - aircraft equipped with a system in-flight refueling tanker aircraft from the Tu-4.

The system was developed in refueling LII MAP. In May 1952, the factory ╧ 153 have been converted, two MiG-15bis allocated for this purpose military aircraft. In 1953, began flight tests of refueling. Actively participate in the testing and refinement took engineers VY Euphorbia and SN Rybakov, as well as pilots test PI Kazmin, SF Mashkovsky and L. B. Chistyakov.

Fighter-interceptor SP-2 radar 'Korshun'

Fig. 90. Fighter-interceptor SP-2 radar "Korshun"

Fighter MiG-15bis, a system equipped with refueling in flight

Fig. 91. Fighter MiG-15bis, a system equipped with refueling in flight

When creating and testing system was resolved several issues related to sustainable system hose - cone "in the flow and choice of its parameters, as well as the technique worked piloting fighter MiG-15bis in the contact and refueling tankers. Refueled by means of two hoses with cones produced from zakontsovok wing air tankers Tu-4, and fuel rods, installed at the top of the ring intake fighter MiG-15bis.

MiG-15bis "Burlaki (Fig. 92) - destroyer equipped with the system" Harpoon ". The use of podtsepki and hauling in flight bomber Tu-4 to increase the range fighter.

Develop a system to comply with EDO AS Yakovlev. The system consisted of towing winch with cable and receiver-cone mounted on the Tu-4 in the rear fuselage, and "Harpoon", set in the bow of the aircraft MiG-15bis. Tow cable was manufactured in cone at 80 pm

Fighter MiG-15bis' Burlaki '

Fig. 92. Fighter MiG-15bis "Burlaki"

Management system has a central console, located on the left board in the rear germokabine stern hand Tu-4. Installation of winches and related refining bomber Tu-4 ╧ 221001 were made OKB-30 on the technical conditions of the plant ╧ 115. Further development of fighter aircraft MiG-15bis ╧ 53210408 by installing "Harpoon" has been implemented plant ╧ 115.

"Harpoon" is a pneumatic cylinder rod which, together with the castle providing coupling and uncoupling by the action of compressed air to move. Full length "Harpoon" - 1372 mm, length of the protruding part - 945 mm. Before you start coupling rod lock come from the cylinder. Upon entering the castle "Harpoon" in the slot receiver, Cone was an automatic clutch, and then go inside the cylinder rod.

In connection with the installation of "Harpoon" and equipment for coupling with the MiG-15bis was withdrawn fotokinopulemet S-13. In the forward compartment of Coca optional second battery has been installed 12A-30 and chetyrehlitrovy air balloon, which was included in the network of primary air system.

After the factory flight tests (from 2 February to 26 April 1951) towing system was handed over to GK Research Institute of Air Force flight tests on government. They took place from 28 July to 24 August 1951 and ended with positive results. The system of towing showed robust coupling and uncoupling of aircraft in the air both by day and night, and was recognized as a new promising work of interest to the Air Force (as a possible solution escorting bombers). It was recommended to equip the five mass-produced fighter aircraft MiG-15bis and five bombers Tu-4 towing system for refining its tactical application.

In January 1952, the factory was built ╧ 153 series of five MiG-15bis fighters equipped with "Harpoon". In order to carry out military tests at the plant ╧ 18 have been converted five aircraft buksirovschikov Tu-4. The tests took place from 9 July to 8 September 1952 in the 50 th aeronautical Army Far aviation airport Zyabrovka.

In order to determine the characteristics of technology piloting aircraft MiG-15bis, with "Harpoon", were carried out 12 flights, which showed the normal behavior of the aircraft at high speeds instrument, as well as in carrying out various shapes pilotazha.

The system provides multiple tow coupling and uncoupling MiG-15bis with the Tu-4 and towing fighters from working and engine, consisting of detachment and air squadron trains set for the Tu-4 military orders both by day and night. The fighters, being towed, maneuver bombers are not restricted. In the detachment and air squadrons train can be taken from level flight, climb, lower at speeds of up to 7 m / s and a turn to the lists of up to 10 ... 15 ╟.

Since the Tu-4 bomber was outdated, it was recommended that further work out a system of towing with Tu-16 and Tu-95.

In the development of towing DB-115 has developed a system to refuel fighter aircraft MiG-15bis of the bomber Tu-4 with the automatic.

The tests were conducted refueling system manufacturer ╧ 115 in conjunction with LII with 24 Sept., 1954 to March 2, 1955 (leading airman SN Anokhin, pilot-test FI Burtsev, commander of TU-4 AA Efimov Engineer Operator AI Vershinin, leading engineers V. Stepanov (from the plant ╧ 115) and BC Elkin (from LII)). When testing the system was tested towing operation of all units, spent hauling method and made operational evaluation of its work. Tests have shown that the system can provide towing in flight at an altitude of 4000 meters refinement associated with the installation of the system, little aggravated flight technical data planes and their piloting complicated.

In 1956 the theme "Burlaki was closed as lost relevance.

MiG-15bis variant fighter-bomber - a serial MiG-15bis ╧ 2815311 equipped at the factory ╧ 21 additional weapons.

The technical documentation has been developed on the basis of the plan development activities for 1958 The aircraft was fitted two beams on the wings of the main pillars of the chassis and suspension bridges fuel tanks (PTB). This would include options for suspension:

* Two blocks ORO-57K with shells S-5K or C-5M (8 each);
* Two bombs caliber from 50 to 250 kg;
* Two launchers ORO-212K with shells S-1of.

In addition, the locks can be PTB are suspended PTB bombs or fire from 50 to 250 kg. Artillery weapons remains unchanged. For all types of weapons used by sight ASP-3N.

Factory flight tests were not conducted. Public flight tests took place from March 4th, 1959 to 30 June 1959, during which time 114 flights have been fulfilled. The aircraft will withstand the test and was recommended as a reference for the upgrading of planes, comprising armed fighter-bombardirovochnoy aviation.

MiG-15bis with increased braking schitkami (S = 0,8 m2) and duplicate management ejection was presented to the state tests 20 Mar., 1952, which successfully passed. Duplicate management and increased brake shields were put into serial production.

In August 1952, was completed installation of panels area 0.9 m2. As a result of factory flight tests found that a further increase in the area of brake panels impractical, as it did not give the desired effect.

MiG-15M (SDM) - radio aircraft target-based fighter aircraft MiG-15bis. The range of heights strikes 8000 ... 13 000 m. The time recruiting the maximum height for the withdrawal of the military course of 17 ... 18 min. The speed in level flight at a maximum altitude of 880 ... 950 km / h. The total duration of the flight 55 minutes.

Outi MiG-15 (ST-2) - sparring fighter, equipped with instruments blind landing (OSP-48).

In connection with the installation of SWAP-48 was shot gun NR-23. The aircraft in 1950 passed state tests, and installation of equipment blind landing was introduced into serial production.

Outi MiG-15 (ST-8) - sparring fighter with a radar RP-1D "Emerald-3" and the sight of ASP-3NM.

In April - May 1954, ST-8 aircraft passed state tests with unsatisfactory results, as well as to the Air Force aircraft was a new requirement to install a second cabin surveillance indicator and sight associated with RLS. Work on the refurbishment of aircraft under a new station EDO began in late 1954, radar Emerald-3 "in contrast to the station" Emerald had two indicator. The plane was tested in 1955

Outi MiG-15 (ST-10) - flight test system for the protection of the pilot's ejection from the lantern for safe escape the aircraft at high speeds.

Outi MiG-15 - aircraft control planes landing target Yak-25MSH.

From 7 to 22 Dec., 1959 and from I January to February 2nd, 1960 conducted flight tests of three remote experimental aircraft target Yak-25MSH with unmanned takeoff and landing, as well as station management embarkation installed on the aircraft MiG-15 UTI ╧ 106216. For testing as a backup switch to a second landing station management (pilot model) fitted to the aircraft ╧ 106220. The equipment of an ╧ 106216 were fired plant ╧ 918, a plane ╧ 106220 - by LII.

Airborne transmission station was carried out series of ground-based transmitting station MRV-2M and installed in a mobile lafete instead of weapons. Transmitting antennas were placed on the inhibitor. The first cabin was changed dashboard: instead of navigation devices and the sight was set sensor commands DK-16rs.

The results of flight tests showed that the aircraft target Yak-25MSH has better combat and tactical performance in comparison with the existing targets, and aircraft management UTI MiG-15 allows you to successfully implement its landing after the assignment.

Modifications MiG-15 fighter produced in large quantities by the manufacturer (see Table 1).

Table 1

Модификация истребителя Modifying fighter Завод-изготовитель The manufacturer Всего самолетов Total aircraft

╧1 ╧ 1 ╧21 ╧ 21 ╧31 ╧ 31 ╧99 ╧ 99 ╧126 ╧ 126 ╧135 ╧ 135 ╧153 ╧ 153 ╧292 ╧ 292 ╧381 ╧ 381
МиГ-15 MiG-15 813 - -- - -- - -- 1 - -- 453 2 75 1344
МиГ-15бис MiG-15bis 1681 1784 225 - -- 832 - -- 2420 994 - -- 7936
МиГ-15Пбис MiG-15Pbis 5 - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 5
МиГ-15Рбис MiG-15Rbis - -- 364 - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 364
МиГ-15Сбис MiG-15Sbis - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 49 - -- 49
УТИ МиГ-15 Outi MiG-15 881 - -- - -- 1117 - -- 511 924 - -- - -- 3433
Все модификации All modifications 3380 2148 225 1117 833 511 3797 1045 75 13131

Monday, 20 October 2008

米格-15 一诞生,就遇上了朝鲜战争。刚上朝鲜战场的米格-15 对美军的 F-80、F-84 等平直翼喷气战斗机占有很大的速度优势,对依然在服役的二战水平的螺旋桨战斗机更是可怕。1950 年 11 月 8 日,四架 F-80 和 7 架米格-15 打上了遭遇战,速度和火力占优的米格-15 干脆利落地抢占高度,然后一个殷麦曼倒转,从太阳的方向俯冲而下,打下了一架 F-80。这是历史上第一次喷气式战斗机之间的空战,以米格-15 完胜告终。一时间,美国空军被打得一筹莫展,一直到更先进的 F-86“佩刀”式战斗机加盟,才扭转颓局。F-86 和米格-15 的优劣是世界上争论了几十年的话题,一般认为 F-86 的水平机动性较好,米格-15 的垂直机动性较好;米格-15 的加速较快,但容易进入不稳定区;F-86 的速度较快,液压操纵也使飞机的实际机动性较好。米格-15 的另一个特点是其火力强大,其一门 37 炮加两门 23 炮的火力是 F-86 的六挺 12.7 毫米机枪所难以比拟的。吸取米格-9 的教训后,米格-15 的机炮安装在进气口下稍后的地方,容易整体装卸,便于维修,便于装弹,而且开炮时的炮口烟不会进入进气口。但米格-15 的 37 炮和 23 炮的弹道特性很不相同,23 炮的弹道平直,37 炮的弹道弯曲。瞄准同一点时,在一定的距离上,23 炮可以打高,而 37 炮会打低。有时目瞪口呆的美军飞行员会发现自己夹在打高的 23 炮弹和打低的 37 炮弹之间,这时只能祈祷上帝了,胡乱机动可能反而自找没趣。米格-15 的 37 炮只有 45 发炮弹,几个点射就打光了。为了扬长避短,米格-15 通常会抢占高空,然后高速俯冲攻击,然后迅速脱离;F-86 则力求躲过米格-15 的第一板斧,然后在中低空缠斗。但最后的交换比和飞行员的技能之差的关系远大于飞机性能之差。在优秀的飞行员手里,米格-15 和 F-86 可以打出一样的战绩来。有人把米格-15 的成就贬为多亏了英国的“尼恩”发动机。没有“尼恩”发动机就没有米格-15,这是事实。苏联的自主发动机技术或许最终会赶上“尼恩”,但会需要一段时 间。在4 0 年代末、50 年代初航空技术在激烈动荡中发展的时候,谁也说不上来没有“尼恩”的苏联航空技术会走向何方。然而,有了好的发动机不等于就有了一架好的战斗机,英国怎么 没有用“尼恩”研制出一架和米格-15 同样出色的战斗机呢
在朝鲜战争中一炮打响的米格-15 可能是苏联历史上最重要的战斗机了。尽管苏联战斗机在二战中取得了不俗的战绩,但在西方眼里,苏联依然只是一个二流国家,至少在先进的航空领域里无法和高 贵的西方相提并论。米格-15 在鸭绿江上空使美国空军在横扫欧洲后第一次遇到真正的挑战,使西方第一次认识到苏联作为一个超级大国的地位。从此,米格从二战前夕的一个小字辈一跃成为苏 联的战斗机之王,米格的名字和最先进的苏联战斗机连在了一起,直到 90 年代苏-27 异军突起。
二战中美英对德国的战略轰炸给苏联留下了深刻的印象,广岛和长崎的原子弹使国土防空具有了新的重要性,战后喷气式高速轰炸机的发展给苏联的国土防空增加了 新的压力。新组建的国土防空军优先装备米格-15,专门用来拦截高空入侵的轰炸机。但米格-15 的全天候作战能力不足,在夜间和恶劣天候条件下,难以靠目视发现目标,实现有效拦截。48 年夏,苏联空军就提出了在战斗机上安装雷达的要求,以帮助夜间和恶劣天气条件下发现目标。51 年时,国土防空军提出了更具体的双发双座配备雷达的全天候截击机的要求。双发可以提供更高的速度和更大的起飞重量(即更远的航程),双座可以提供一个专职 的雷达操作员。推力最大、性能最先进的克里莫夫 VK-1 发动机是自然的选择,但问题是 VK-1 的直径太大,双发并列的话,机身会异常宽大,翼下双发同样具有阻力大的问题。米高扬别出心裁地采用双发前后安置的方法,前发在机翼前,喷口在中机身下,像 米格-9 一样;后发在机翼后,喷口在机尾。为了提供最好的视界,米高扬把双座并列安置。新飞机称为伊-320

MiG 29 Fulcum
Fly with the legend fly Mig 29..through its history with this russian propaganda film.hope u enjoy it.The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: МиГ-29) (NATO reporting name "Fulcrum" is a fighter aircraft designed for the air superiority role in the Soviet Union. Developed in the 1970s by the Mikoyan design bureau, it entered service in 1983 and remains in use by the Russian Air Force as well as in many other nations.The history of the MiG-29, like that of the larger Sukhoi Su-27 'Flanker', started in 1969 when the Soviet Union learned of the U.S. Air Force's 'FX' program, which resulted in the F-15 Eagle. The Soviet leadership soon realized that the new American fighter would represent a serious technological advantage over all existing Soviet fighters. The MiG-21 'Fishbed' was agile by the standards of its day, but had deficiencies in range, armament, and growth potential. The MiG-23 'Flogger', developed to match the F-4 Phantom II, was fast and had more space for fuel and equipment, but lacked in maneuverability and dogfighting ability. What was needed was a better-balanced fighter with both good agility and sophisticated systems. In response, the Soviet General Staff issued a requirement for a Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel (PFI, roughly "Advanced Frontline Fighter", directly "Perspective Forward Fighter". Specifications were extremely ambitious, calling for long range, good short-field performance (including the ability to use austere runways), excellent agility, Mach 2+ speed, and heavy armament. The aerodynamic design for the new aircraft was largely carried out by TsAGI, the Russian aerodynamics institute, in collaboration with the Sukhoi design bureau.However, in 1971 the Soviets determined that the PFI aircraft would be too expensive to procure in the quantities needed, and divided the requirement into the TPFI (Tyazholyi Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel, "Heavy Advanced Tactical Fighter" and the LPFI (Legkiy Perspektivnyi Frontovoi Istrebitel, "Lightweight Advanced Tactical Fighter" programs, the latter paralleling the contemporary USAF decision that led to the "Lightweight Fighter" program and the F-16 Fighting Falcon and YF-17 Cobra. The heavy fighter remained with Sukhoi, resulting in the Su-27 'Flanker', while the lightweight fighter went to Mikoyan. Detailed design work on the resultant Product 9, designated MiG-29A, began in 1974, with the first flight taking place on October 6, 1977.Because it was developed from the same basic parameters laid out by TsAGI for the original PFI, the MiG-29 is aerodynamically broadly similar to the Sukhoi Su-27, but with some notable differences. It is built largely out of aluminium with some composite materials. It has a mid-mounted swept wing with blended leading-edge root extensions (LERXs) swept at around 40°. There are swept tailplanes and two vertical fins, mounted on booms outboard of the engines. Automatic slats are mounted on the leading edges of the wings; they are four-segment on early models and five-segment on some later variants. On the trailing edge, there are maneuvering flaps and wingtip ailerons.

The MiG-29 has hydraulic controls and a SAU-451 three-axis autopilot but, unlike the Su-27, does not have a fly-by-wire control system. Nonetheless, it is very agile, with excellent instantaneous and sustained turn performance, high alpha capability, and a general resistance to spins. The airframe is stressed for 9-g (88 m/s²) maneuvers. The controls have "soft" limiters to prevent the pilot from exceeding the g and alpha limits, but these can be disabled manually. In joint USAF-Luftwaffe exercises, the downgraded MiG-29 9-12A that the Luftwaffe fielded defeated the F-16 Fighting Falcon in close-range combat almost every time using its highly practical infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor and helmet-mounted sight, together with the Vympel R-73 (NATO reporting name AA-11 'Archer') missile.The MiG-29 first saw action in the 1980s during the Iran-Iraq war, where unguided bombs and rockets were used to devastating effect. During the Soviet war in Afghanistan, a Soviet MiG-29 shot down an Afghan Su-20 Fitter which had defected.In the following decade, MiG-29s saw combat in the Gulf War at the hands of Iraqi pilots, who were then thought to be among the best in the region after a decade of war and simmering tensions with Iran. Its success in combat encounters is believed to be mixed, it is generally believed that external factors such as inadequate pilot training skills, air-defense infrastructure, and poor maintenance, rather than the quality of the aircraft, are primarily responsible for this lack of success.Indian MiG-29s saw action during the Kargil War in Kashmir. They provided fighter escort for Mirage 2000s dropping laser-guided bombs on enemy targets and played a major role in maintaining the air superiority.

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Secret USAF MiG

Secret USAF MiG
THE PHOTOGRAPHS appearing an these pages were once a closely-guarded secret. They show a Soviet-built MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-E jet fighter wearing American insignia and being evaluated by the US Air Force in 1968. At that time, similar MiG-21s were being used to combat US warplanes in Vietnam. For years, rumours persisted that Soviet-bloc warplanes were being secretly tested by the US. In March 1998, three decades after American pilots flew the MiG-21 in US skies, the USAF allowed details - and some pictures - to become public. By then, numerous accounts had appeared in the press. HAVE DOUGHNUT was the USAF project name for its flight test evaluation of the MiG-21 between January 23 and April 8, 1968. At the time, the fighter was the top gun. of the communist world, The spelling Donut (see March 2001, p. 73) was not used. Two more Russian fighters were evaluated soon afterwards, HAVE DRILL was the term for American tests of a slightly older MiG-17F Fresco-C jet fighter (a Polish-assembled LIM-5 serial 1007-18, made largely from Soviet-manufactured components (and wearing bort, or nose, number `055') which took place the following year, between January 27 and June 30, 1969. The USAF simultaneously evaluated a second MiG-17F (serial number not provided, bort number `002') in a concurrent project HAVE FERRY. The MiG-21 and the two MiG-17s were flown extensively by Air Force any navy pilots. The MiG-17s were camouflaged, and the MiG-21 flew in natural finish with the US national insignia on both sides of the nose (but not on the wings) and the number '90865' on the tail. Away from the pubic gaze, the MiG-21 was put through performance and stability tests before being flown against Strategic Air Command B-52 Stratofortress and B-58 Hustler bombers. The aim was to judge the ability of the bombers' defensive systems to detect an aerial foe. Later, the MiG-21 was flown against virtually every US military aircraft then in the inventory, from the Navy's A-7E Corsair II to the Air Force's F-4 Phantom II. The Air Force also carried out radar crosssection and propulsion tests on the MiG-21. Though the Americans had not previously had their hands on a MiG-21, the information gleaned appears not to have surprised anyone. Few surprises Air Force officers concluded in a now-declassified intelligence report that the MiG-21's technology "was in most cases comparable to our own" but that the Soviet fighter was cruder and intended to be built on simpler production lines. For example, the MiG-21 had countersunk rivets protruding as much as an eighth of an inch above the skin of the aircraft. Experts were impressed by the fact that the MiG-21 had smokeless engines, making it - unlike the Phantom II - difficult to detect visually. Many of the report's conclusions, once classified 'secret', make it sound as if the USAF could have saved money by consulting a plastic modeller rather than flying an actual MiG-21. For example: "The design concept which appears to have been used by the Soviets was to 'wrap' the smallest airplane possible around the available powerplant to assure maximum speed, altitude, and acceleration performance. This philosophy was carried to the point where bulges in the fuselage were provided at various places to clear equipment and accessories, rather than permit an overall increase in fuselage diameter or cross-section area. The performance of the MiG-21 attests to this approach." Equally superficial is the report's conclusion, also originally classified 'secret': "By US standards for tactical aircraft, the range and payload capabilities of the MiG-21F-13 are very low, but the Soviets did achieve their apparent goal of developing a rugged, simple, highly realiable [sic] and easily maintained fighter with exceptional climb, altitude acceleration and manoeuvrability capabilities, surpassing any other aircraft operational at the time (early 1960) that it went into service. These characteristics are still very good by present-day tactical fighter standards if range and payload are not a prime concern." Mystery Sabreliner The MiG-21 was also flown against a T-39A Sabreliner equipped with an ATR-1 airborne radiometer (producing a distinctive `hump' atop the fuselage of the T-39A, behind the flight deck). This measured the fighter's vulnerability, or lack of it, to airborne infra-red (IR) weapons by evaluating IR emissions at various angles, speeds, power settings, and altitudes. The radiometer could be adjusted to produce data based on the performance of the principal US air-to-air missiles of the era, the AIM-4C/D Falcon and AIM-9G Sidewinder, as well as the IRSTS (infra-red search and tracking system) employed by some US interceptors such as the F-lOlB/F Voodoo. The MiG-2l-versus-T-39A engagements yielded a wealth of information about how to attack a MiG-21 with an IR weapon, but there were also moments when all did not go well. For example: "Mission No.5 was mainly unproductive because of the everworsening background conditions and the low contrail level. The aircraft were 'sandwiched' between a contrail level at 33,000ft (10,058m) and 30,000ft (9,144m)." Several data runs failed to produce useful information because the data was `influenced by other factors'." Similar IR tests were later conducted between the T-39A and the two MiG-17s. Although the USAF claims the external appearance of the IR test T-39A was never classified, one wonders why no photo of the aircraft appears to have surfaced. Both the MiG-21 and a MiG-17 subsequently flew against a T-39A (59-2871) with a different type of radiometer extending from the starboard side of the fuselage but without the ATR-1 unit's distinctive hump. It is unclear whether these subsequent tests were conducted by the same T-39A, after modifications, or whether the ATR-1-equipped Sabreliner was a different aircraft. The Source? Any reference as to who provided the three MiGs 30 years earlier or where the planes were tested is missing from the papers declassified in 1998. There has been speculation that the MiG-21 was flown to Israel on August 16, 1966, by an Iraqi defector, Captain Monir Radfa. The two MiG-17s were brought to Israel on August 12, 1968, by Syrian 1st Lts Walid Adham and Radfan Rifai, who became disoriented and landed in Israel by mistake. Israel reportedly loaned the MiGs as part of a trade-off for a controversial US decision, taken soon after by the Nixon administration, to supply F-4D Phantom Its (these were later joined by F-4Es) to the Jewish state. Flight testing of the MiGs took place at the US airbase at Groom Lake, Nevada. Built in the 1950s as a test site for the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft, and known then as 'the Ranch', Groom Lake has been closed to press and public ever since. Officials will not discuss the base. This has led to speculation on everything from a super-secret Aurora spy plane to little green aliens kept in bottles neither of which ever existed. Other names for the location, such as 'Area 51', are the work of imaginative sensationalists. The base is part of a vast complex in Nevada which includes the Nellis test range and the National Test Site, the latter term a euphemism for the US nuclear test location. The USAF's position on the source of the MiGs is that "International agreements preclude release of this information." As to where the aircraft were tested, the official USAF position is that they "were examined and tested at secure locations in order to maintain security and secrecy." The tests were the responsibility of the Foreign Technology Division of Air Force Systems Command (AFSC), a predecessor of today's Air Force Materiel Command. The word `Have' in project names such as HAVE DOUGHNUT (MiG-21) Or HAVE BLUE (the prototype for the F117 stealth fighter) simply mark the project as belonging to AFSC. Secret Base As for the secret base at Groom Lake (today serviced by a US government civilian contract 'airline' operating from McCarran airport in Las Vegas), it should be noted that there is almost certainly a great deal less at the base than some fanciful accounts suggest. Although the concept of a 'black programme' did not exist in the 1960s (it came along in the late 1970s with the first efforts at developing stealth aircraft), there was nothing new about the USAF testing a potential foe's aircraft in secret. In the early 1950s, the USAF tested a Yakovlev Yak-23 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, before packing the fighter into a C-124 Globemaster and returning it to a co-operative owner in Eastern Europe. Tests of the Yak-23 (carried out before the creation of Air Standards Co-ordinating Committee names, which later made the aircraft a Flora) remained secret for more than 40 years after they took place. HAVE DOUGHNUT, HAVE DRILL and HAVE FERRY Must be taken in the context of their times. In the US, conflict between a conservative regime and a growing number of anti-Vietnam protesters had spread from the campuses to the streets, and federal agencies were secretly investigating the loyalty of American citizens - a practice which is now illegal. In the skies of North Vietnam, MiG-17s and MiG-21s (especially the MiG-21s) were performing well against American warplanes. Not long after the MiG-21 and MiG-17 tests in Nevada, the USAF somehow found a way to 'borrow' a MiG-15UTI Midget two-seat trainer and MiG-17 Fresco from the Cambodian Air Force for evaluation. In complete secrecy, the aircraft were flown from Phnom Penh to Phu Cat Air Base, South Vietnam, where they were tested in late 1970. Although the tests were never made public and although they apparently revealed little which had not been learned the previous year at Groom Lake airmen at Phu Cat were able to take snapshots of the MiGs. Testing the MiG Returning to the Nevada tests in 1968 (MiG-21) and 1969 (MiG-17), all three aircraft were put through flight testing. The USAF will not disclose names of pilots or maintainers involved in the MiG tests. Some belonged to the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC). Some of the pilots' comments are thoughtful and sensible - for example: "The cockpit of the aircraft was an antiquated design. It was not possible to enter or exit the cockpit with any degree of urgency. The pilot had to step on the seat type parachute, which was an integral part of the seat. It was then necessary to support himself with his hands on the canopy rails while threading his feet onto the rudder pedal stirrups. It required an average of two minutes to don the parachute harness and hook up the necessary personnel leads after entering the cockpit. The seat was actuated electrically for proper positioning. The rudder pedals were adjusted manually before entering the cockpit. The cockpit was small and it would be difficult for pilots over 6ft (1.8m) tall and well built to fly the aircraft comfortably. The cockpit was approximately the same size as the F-86F (Sabre), with less leg-room." We know from other sources that some of the MiG pilots were USAF Col Robert `Bobby' Bond (who later flew A-7Es in Southeast Asia), Navy Cdr Marland W 'Doc' Townsend (an F-4 Phantom II pilot), Navy Cdr Tom Cassidy (a future admiral), and Navy Cdr Foster S 'Tooter' Teague (who later commanded a carrier air wing in Vietnam). The two MiG-17s flew 198 sorties (usually together) against a variety of US Navy warplanes, ranging from the F-8J Crusader to the A-6A Intruder. Later, separately, they were flown against the USAF F-102A Delta Dagger, F-104A Starfighter, and F-106A Delta Dart. Barely legible photocopies of the MiG17s flying with all of these aircraft appear in the declassified report, but USAF officials say the original photos have been lost over the years. Some of the details of the tests are fairly minuscule: pilots were impressed with the canopy-mounted periscope in the MiG-17 which improves visibility to the rear hemisphere. As for the HAVE DRILL and HAVE FERRY evaluations of two MiG-17s, one might ask why money was spent on testing an aircraft which, even in 1969, was long in the tooth? Indeed, the author of this article was evaluating the MiG-17 fully a decade earlier, albeit without a real aircraft in hand. The report tells us: "Complete volumes of handbooks and specifications were available on the MiG-17 in the intelligence community, but evaluation of the actual aircraft would furnish vital tactical and operational information necessary for the effectiveness and survival of our air warfare teams." The report lists dozens of ways in which the F-4E Phantom (flown against the MiG-17 in 26 sorties) and the F-105D and F-105E Thunderchief (18 sorties) were superior to the Soviet fighter. Later Tests As regards widespread speculation about a secret squadron of MiGs at Groom Lake, operated by the USAF 'Red Hats' unit, no details have been disclosed about post-1969 tests of Soviet aircraft. Published speculation holds that at one time or another, the US had every warplane in the Soviet arsenal in the Nevada desert. Only the existence of at least two MiG-23 Floggers can be confirmed by actual sightings, and speculation may be exaggerated. The 'black programme' begun in the 1970s to gain intelligence by flying additional Soviet-built fighters in the US is reported to have peaked in the late 1980s and ended in the 1990s. On April 26, 1984, Lt Gen Robert M `Bobby' Bond who had flown the `HAVE' MiGs 15 years earlier-was killed in the crash of a MiG-23 Flogger on the Nellis range. This was one of the few occasions on which the USAF could not cover up post-1969 flights of MiGs. Sadly, it was to have been the general's farewell flight, marking the end of a fine career. Instead, it may have marked the beginning of the end of what were now called `black' programmes in the Nevada desert. The highprofile Bond mishap was a MiG accident the US Air Force could ill afford. As for the secrecy, most of it was based on politics rather than real security concerns. Obviously, the Soviets knew what was going on, but the tests of these aircraft were kept secret, primarily to protect the identity (or identities) of the country (countries) which provided the MiGs flown in Nevada. Comments: This story raises a number of questions for contains certain significant inconsistencies, which, nevertheless, does not make it any less interesting. Perhaps it should be mentioned that the Soviet VVS had an opportunity to study a pair of F-14 Tomcats and extensively test them against current Soviet fighters. These tests were not conducted in the middle of a desert, but just outside of Moscow - at the Zhukovsky Flight Test Centre, then known to the American spooks as "Ramenskoye" airbase (because of the Ramenskoye highway passing nearby). No photos or any other official information regarding these tests were ever released, although it is known that the Tomcats came from the only possible source: Iran. It is also known that one Russian organization consistently participated in testing of foreign aircraft and their components - the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, known by its Russian abbreviation "TsAGI" ( Among the aircraft tested at this facility were the two F-86 Sabres captured by the VVS in Korea and numerous other foreign aircraft obtained during various local conflicts, in particular during the Korean and Vietnam wars, as well as reconnaissance aircraft shot down over or near the USSR. Another organization to frequently participate in this research was the Moscow Aviation Institute or MAI (

Tuesday, 22 April 2008


夜来香 / 上戸彩 YeLaixiang by Ueto Aya 

Young Japanese actress Ueto Aya sang this YeLaixiang (夜来香)for the Japanese TV drama 李香蘭 in Feb. 2007. DVD is available to see full of story.

Li Xianglan(李香蘭) was born in China in 1920. When she was 13, her Chinese foster father(養父)gave her name Li Xianglan. She lived as a Chinese singer and actress, hiding the fact that she actually was a Japanese named Yamaguchi Yoshiko(山口淑子) in order to avoid anti-Japanese movement fighting against the invasion of Japanese army.

Once, there was an episode for her national identity. When she had a concert in Japan, a local newspaper scooped that she was actually a Japanese. Then she replied "I know the paper made my real name public, but I don't worry whether I fall out of my populality. The important thing is how well I act and sing on the stage. And I think my nationality is just an East Asian woman."

June 1945, she had a concert with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra(上海交響楽団) at the Grand Theatre(大光明大戯院). This video is the scene. The concert was so successful continuing 3 days. August 9th 1945, she had an encore concert for her fans at Shanghai horse race field(現在の人民広場). She knew that this could be the last message to China where she was born in, grown up and loved.

The war ended. Chinese government arrested her on the doubt that she helped Japan's propaganda by acting in Japanese movies. Many newspapers said that she would be killed. Finally, getting help from her Russian childhood girl friend, she got free and left out to Japan.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Spring in Northern Country - 北国の春

Minoru Endo (遠藤 実・えんどう みのる)

Kitaguni no Haru

Shirakaba aozora minamikaze
Kobushi saku ano oka kitaguni no
Aa kitaguni no haru
Kisetsu ga tokai dewa wakaranai daro to
Todoita ofukuro no chiisana tsutsumi
Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana
Yukidoke seseragi marukibashi
Karamatsu no me ga fuku kitaguni no
Aa kitaguni no haru
Sukida to otagai ni iidasenai mama
Wakarete mo gonen ano ko wa doshiteru
Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana
Yamabuki asagiri suishagoya
Warabeuta kikoeru kitaguni no
Aa kitaguni no haru
Aniki mo oyaji ni de mukuchi na futari ga
Tama niwa sake demo nonderu daro ka
Ano furusato e kaerokana kaerokana


ワインレッドの心 - 玉置浩二

Czechoslovak Air Force

Thursday, 6 March 2008

МиГ-15 А.И.Микояна и М.И.Гуревича.

From the jet fighters in a mass series was constructed MiG-15 A.I.Mikoyana and M.I.Gurevicha. This aircraft had wing with the sweepback of 35 degrees, three-strut landing gear with the nose wheel, airtight cockpit and catapult armchair of pilot. Armament - one gun of the caliber of 37 mm and two - the caliber of 23 mm. takeoff mass - about 4800 kg, speed - to 1050 km/h, ceiling - 15 200 m, flying range - 1400 km, and with suspension tanks - more than 1900 km aircraft MiG-15 obtained the baptism of fire during the war in Korea (1950-1953), where they showed their superiority over the American destroyers of the same class F -86 "Sabre".

Friday, 15 February 2008

Korean War-Jet fight

PLA J7 & Q5

Check this out:
PLA's J-7 and Q-5 take off for a mission



